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Work-based Learning and Internships

Featured Internships

Looking to build your experience beyond the classroom? With work-based learning opportunities and internships you can break into almost any field, industry, or career path. Your internship journey starts today!

What is an internship?

Many of us have heard the word “internship,” but many people do not realize how important an internship is when it comes to career development. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), “an Internship is a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skills development in a professional setting. In other words, an internship is an educational and formalized opportunity in which to gain hands-on work experience in a specific industry or job type from a company or institution. An internship can be for-credit or not requiring credit, paid or unpaid, full or part-time and it is a chance to test drive a career!

Culinary Student
Automotive Student

Why do an internship? What are the benefits? 

Internships allow you the chance to explore your field of interest and gain first-hand experience in the industry. This is an opportunity to find out what you like, and equally important, what you don't like! Feel confident that you chose the best major and career for you!
Over 50% of interns are offered full-time jobs with their internship employer! (Source: NACE 2014 Internship and Co-op Survey). Internship experiences can give you the competitive edge for entry-level positions.
Tap into the hidden job market, build business references and professional contacts. This is also a great chance to have a mentor who can provide guidance, feedback, and connections to possible job opportunities.
Internships allow you to gain those important transferable skills needed for most entry-level positions. You will also learn those soft skills needed for navigating a company culture.
Put theory into practice! An internship is the best way to take those skills you have learned in class and apply them to the workforce.
Internships help you develop self-confidence, transferable skills, and knowledge necessary for successful job performance throughout your career. They also serve as excellent resume builders expanding your opportunities!

How can I earn academic credit?

A general work experience class or a department-specific internship class is how you can complete a college-supervised internship and receive credit for it.

General Work Experience 290

How do I find an internship?  Be proactive!

Jobspeaker (job search): Create a record on Jobspeaker through your campus portal.  View on- and off-campus jobs, internships, and volunteer positions.

Explore Websites such as: Jobspeaker, Google, Indeed and LinkedIn.  Filter your searches by choosing "internships" and other criteria related to your needs and areas of interest.

Information Interviews: An information interview is a powerful networking tool to use in your search for an internship. Learn about the purpose of an information interview, how to set up one, plus sample scripts and questions and more!

Applying for internships

If you need help finding, preparing for, and applying to an internship or employment opportunity please schedule an appointment:

Christina Maguire, Internship Coordinator